2009年11月5日 星期四

Sharepoint Server 2007(MOSS) Alert Email Troubleshoting

0. 先檢查/解決MOSS本身傳送EMAIL的設定
至MOSS管理中心 > 作業 > 外寄電子郵件設定 設定相關資料
測試: 先找一個文件庫或清單,新增一個ALERT,若能收到設定完成的通知信,表示MOSS本身傳送EMAIL設定OK

以下針對當異動/新增發生時,無法收到ALERT EMAIL的狀況:
1. 先察看Timer Job的設定,因為ALERT是Timer Job來負責發送的,Timer Job是以SERVICE方式執行(Windows Sharepoint Service Timer)
Made sure the account running the SharePoint Timer service is the account which has the administrator Full Control permission over the site and the full permission over the content database. Then we restarted the timer service.

2. 並檢查JOB的執行狀況
Opened the MOSS Central Administration page, clicked on Operations--Timer Job Status, made sure the following two jobs were showing "success" and 100%:
Change Log
Immediate Alerts

3. 再檢查設定:
Opened the command window, navigated to the BIN folder and got the property of Alerts-enabled to make sure the alerts are enabled for the timer service:
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server
extensions\12\BIN>stsadm.exe -o getproperty -url -pn alerts-enabled
The expected output is

4. 檢查content db的內容(參考以下的詳細步驟)
We found EventData and ACL are not NULL for the specific content database. This seems to be the key to the problem.

5. We checked the property job-immediate-alerts schedule
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server
extensions\12\BIN>stsadm.exe -o getproperty -url <http://server/> -pn
it showed Property Exist="No" for that specific site.

6. We used the following command to re-set the schedule
stsadm.exe -o setproperty -url -pn job-immediate-alerts -pv
"every 5 minutes between 0 and 59"

Alerts began to work.

如果發現有未執行的JOB,但是設定都正常,則需要重啟TIMER SERVICE,若是重啟失敗,則只有RESET SERVER了。
